HDT Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for HDT Songbook

HDT Songbook is the digital songlist companion for HDT Karaoke. We want to reassure our users that your privacy is of utmost importance to us.

Information Collection:

We do not gather any personal information when you use the HDT Songbook application. Your use of the app is completely anonymous, and no data is collected or stored.

Usage of Information:

Since we do not collect any user data, there is no usage of information to be concerned about. Your privacy remains intact while enjoying our app.

Third-Party Access:

We do not share any data with third parties as we do not collect any user information.

Updates to the Policy:

Any future changes to our privacy policy will be updated here. However, as our policy revolves around not collecting any user data, changes will only occur if there are new developments in this regard.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy while using HDT Songbook, please feel free to contact us at hdt.inquiries@gmail.com.

Thank you for trusting us with your privacy. Your enjoyment of the music is our priority.
